Fort Worth, TX to Carlsbad, NM

The next leg had its surprises. Such as rest stop warnings and memorials.

With acres of wind turbines along the way!

The landscape slowly shifted throughout the trip and we ended up taking a less traveled road through oil country to Carlsbad. Not many photos of that part of the drive. It sure reminded me how much I love the wide open skies that the flatlands bring. We made it safe and sound to a campground just outside of Carlsbad, NM

And we finally got to try out the new “camper setup”.

One thing about camping (especially this time of year) is that you get to appreciate the sunsets.

Not to mention, early to bed. Tomorrow the Carlsbad Caves before heading to Las Cruces to connect with a dear friend, Kay.

Leila appreciates that down is so warm.

Ah, the best laid plans

I had every intention of writing regularly here, not taking into consideration the draw of the road, friends, conferencing and the landscape.

So the next couple of entries will be pictures mostly. And then maybe I can feel like I have you caught up a little.

Post Thanksgiving in Fort Worth was awesome. We did a lot of walking, including the Fort Worth Botanic Garden.

Including a pre-amble campfire in the backyard complete with Manhattans.

We left Fort Worth with a recommendation to get to the Carlsbad Caverns on our way to Phoenix.

Leila decided that Joan and Dwayne were pretty great friends and she is looking forward to seeing them again on the way home.